
Treating Skin Cancer

Actinic Keratosis

Actinic keratosis is a type of pre-cancerous growth that is very common. It’s considered a precursor lesion to squamous cell carcinoma and therefore should be treated. We offer multiple options for treating actinic keratosis including cryotherapy, topical chemotherapies (imiquimod, 5-flourouracil, and ingenol mebutate), and photodynamic therapy. Ask one of our providers which treatment best fits you. 

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer and rarely ever spreads beyond the skin. It is easily treatable by surgical and chemotherapy methods. Despite its unlikelihood to spread distantly within the body it should be treated as early as possible to avoid disfigurement and scarring. 

Dysplastic Nevi (Precancerous Moles)

Dysplastic moles are considered a precancerous or precursor lesion to melanoma. Often times a mole may be biopsied or removed due to having an abnormal appearance. Once this is done, it is sent to a dermatopathologist who evaluates the lesion for features suggestive of melanoma. Sometimes these moles have some features of melanoma but not enough to be classified as melanoma but rather as dysplastic moles. These dysplastic or precancerous moles are currently graded mild, moderate, and severe based on the degree of dysplasia. Our providers have been professionally trained to diagnose and treat these lesions. 


Melanoma is third most common type of skin cancer after basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma. Unlike these other skin cancers melanoma commonly affects younger patients and can be fatal if not treated early. Sometimes it arises from existing moles or nevi but may arise spontaneously on normal skin even in non-sun exposed areas. This makes it very important to check yourself regularly and have skin exams with your physician as well at least annually. Risk factors for melanoma include history of sunburns, fair skin type and blue eyes, having lots of moles, family history of melanoma, history of precancerous or dysplastic moles, and use of immunosuppressive medications such as those for transplanted organs. Our providers are happy to examine all of your moles and discuss with you what to look for when evaluating them for malignant changes.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most common type of skin cancer and rarely may spread and metastasize. When caught early it’s easily treatable by many of the same methods as basal cell carcinoma including excision, mohs surgery, electrodessication and curettage, and chemotherapy creams.